Race For The Truth

Truth In Action! 
“Don’t just exercise, Lymphasize!” ~ Dr C. Samuel West
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” ~ Jesus Christ

90 Minute Event

Activate and stimulate every cell in your body.
Have fun transforming your body with simple and easy deep breathing and bouncing methods.

Heart Disease is the #1 Killer, killing 1 out of 2 men and women, and is a positive pressure blow out.
Obesity is almost tied with Cancer as the #2 killer – again and again, both positive pressure blow outs!
Negate high blood pressure, cancer, and obesity with your negative ‘sub pressure’ lymphatic system!

— Dr. C. Samuel West discovered how bouncing:

• Is a cellular exercise
• Creates an ‘armature effect’ on the body
• Magnifies thought wave to direct energy
• Activates your whole body’s lymph vessels

Experience Key Secrets to put the Law of Attraction on steroids!

Enlighten your soul and your ‘chakras’ (Endocrine Glands).  Regenerate with the glands responsible for each development phase a pre-natal baby goes through!

Two major KEYS to healing – #1 boost and balance your hormones and #2 send energy into every part of the body from head to toe.

Activate your vital glands and other internal organs for healing, first, then safely transition more into high performance fitness.  Every muscle in your body contracts at the bottom of each bounce – stimulating all 600 muscles in your body, even targeting your core abdominal muscles.

There is something for everyone at either beginner, intermediate or advanced levels.

With a decent mini-tramp, people feel an increase of vigor and energy from our healing marathon.
When done right, bouncing / rebounding / lymphasizing, produces a safe, healthy and natural high.

Do you feel sick & tired of pain, obesity & dis-ease?  Come experience & feel the amazing difference.

Depression?  It’s an inflammatory disorder = High pressure blow out!

Want some extra fun beautifying stress relief?  Jump for joy! with Sub Pressure Esthetics™

HIV attacks the lymphocytes and no one dies of AIDS, but all the diseases caused by it.  Truth?
Why didn’t they call it Acquired Lymphatic Deficiency Syndrome?  Need we say more?  Coronavirus?

With all the efforts to raise money for AIDS awareness, still most people haven’t even heard that we have more lymph vessels than blood vessels, more lymph than blood, or what even activates the lymph system.  Let’s put an end to the Medical Dark Ages and International Genocide!

Race For The Truth — not a myth…… not a drug…… not insanity!

Bring a mini-tramp and body ball to bounce on, if possible.  This experience will make yours priceless.
Would you like our help in having a lymphasizer / rebounder / mini-trampoline ready for you at this event?

If the weather is good enough, this event may be held in a natural outdoor setting.


Online & Live Training Options:

Race For The Truth is a 501(c)(3) charity.

You can relieve pain, obesity & disease!  This event targets obesity and many other health issues using simple and effective truths and methods based on those truths.  These truths are not widely understood – and now they can be as you become actively involved through this movement.  We are spreading awareness and giving people first hand expierience unlike any other.

Because of the principles of Sub Pressure Esthetics™, our system is time tested and proven to be one of the most effective methods for weight loss – lose fat, water weight or fluid retention!

Who wants to accomplish true high performance living?  What if you and your family could experience a marathon, only to have more energy and feel even better than you did when you first started?  Look and feel good utilizing simple and easy methods!

Learn the truth about cause & prevention — fun and simple secrets to the healing processes.

This adds important fundamental tools for anyone at any level, healthy or not.

For those needing manual lymphatic massage, drainage, or treatment, we recommend the Power Heal™ workshops for you to learn the self-help techniques that target edema and other high pressure blow out health issues = the cellular environment for all diseases!

We suggest infusing this with the Discover Power and Blessing of the Creation Sequence™,
a quantum universal healing activation — for everyone and everything.

Experience this ENERGIZING journey!

What about your area?

We are planning training events
from coast to coast and internationally.

Qualified instructors may have events listed here.
Contact us for questions.